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Tamil Nadu, India

The Society for the Development of Economically Weaker Sections is a non-Governmental Organization working in  Vellore Ditrict of Tamil Nadu, India. Currently its main focus is on education, but because healthcare, young womens empowerment and environment are closely linked issues, they also work on these issues. SODEWS staff  visit area schools  for primary and secondary education  to assist the teachers in classrom and in evaluation of the student performance as well as carry out survey of the efficacy of teaching methods and progress of students in general. SODEWS also provides support for rebuilding school rooms and toilets that are in poor shape.

In a specific and coordinated effort, SODEWS established a residential school for orphans and children unable to attend school because of their domestic conditions, such as migrant laborer parents, distance to school and poor parental support. The school houses and educates 1st to 12th graders and a hostel is provided for children of upper grades. All the needs such as lodging, food, clothes etc. are provided and the children have sports and other extracurricular activities. SODEWS provides transport to area schools and provides additional tutoring in the hostel. In addition, SODEWS has put graduating students on a career path by helping with college or vocational training. Most of the expenses are met through individual donations and foundation grants and multi-year per child commitment from donors is crucial to make this program fruitful and sustainable.

Donations: Kindly donate $300 per year on a recurring basis to make this program sustainable.

Pragathi recognizes that children are a vulnerable population and need guaranteed support and therefore has launched a drive to secure individual donations committed per child for a significant number of years.

SODEWS - Sponsor a Child Program

Tamil Nadu, India

Many of us have at least once thought about making a difference in the lives of underprivileged children by fostering or adopting one for various reasons. Adoption is not as east as it may sound, involves cumbersome process and emotional adjustment more than anything else. So most people opt for donating/volunteering to a charitable cause or sponsoring a child. Sponsoring a child means joining that child on a journey toward becoming the person he or she can be, providing inspiration along the way. Your support can change the world, one child at a time, by providing hope and the chance for that child to thrive. All it takes is just a contribution of Rs. 25,000 per year per child (~$350) while SODEWS takes care of the basic needs of the child and make sure the child is completing school and other vocational training. SODEWS will be in touch with you providing a semi-annual status update on the progress of the child and answering any questions you may have on the child along the way. SODEWS is proud to mention that they have sponsors for 7 children at this time. Some of these sponsors have visited or planning to visit SODEWS to spend time with all the children including the ones they sponsor to experience the positive impact they are making in these children’s’ lives. DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A SPONSOR AND EXPERIENCE THAT IMPACT? Make a tangible difference and sponsor a child today. Contact Lakshmi Srinivasan (201-742-2535) for more information and to get the process started. 

Please note that sponsor a child program is offered by SODEWS directly and Pragathi is not involved in the program.




Pragathi  Provides grants to MyGoal, a non profit that gives support to families impacted by autism. See

Please generously support this effort with your generation of a minimum of $25.

Other NGOs

Pragathi will assist other non-governmental organizations in all parts of the world in raising funds, providing logistics support and creating and maintaining digital content to promote their work etc. Pragathi will support NGOs engaged in social, agricultural, educational and environmental work to bring sustainability, peace and justice. We will be happy to assist NGOs and non profits who have a number of potential donors in the US.

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